
Archive for the ‘Final Construction’ Category

Choosing the final poster was a difficult process; I think it’s better to actually make a decision on one rather than opting for the easy way out and submitting three however I think the other two would have been just as appropriate posters for representing the movie. Due to audience feedback I picked Poster 2 which people said they prefered to poster 3 because the image where she’s looking away seems to fit better because it makes her less relatable which seems darker. Having the poster with slight blue tones churned out mixed responses, some of the people I interviewed prefered it whereas the poll results suggests otherwise. I’ve decided to put in very subtle blue tones so that they’re not so obvious but so they’re there as a link to the trailer and magazine cover >>>

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Initially I was happy with my magazine however after beginning audience feedback there has been specualtion as to whether the cover is really speaking anything to the audience. The picture I think works well as a main image for a cover even though it doesn’t quite fit with the tone of the movie, because it’s rather light and girl almost looks content. The main way to change it was to change how the text on the front cover was referring to the image so rather than it be focussed on a general feature of the movie I could point it in the direction of say the actress as that’s more what magazines tend to do plus it would mean I could keep the original image rather than start completely over, so here it is now >>>

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Final version?

I think I have pretty much finished my trailer, there my be small details i change in the near future as i begin to create the poster and magazine but here’s the ‘final’ version >>>


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