
Archive for the ‘Development’ Category

I’ve kept the second poster pretty much the same except the image of the faded girl which I’ve changed to one where she’s looking towards the audience, I quite like it, I think both images could work. Like in my other post I have two copies, one with a more blue tinge to it to continue this idea of colour and tone revealing the mood and feel or the movie >>>

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I changed a few details and added some sort of review, this is the most recent version of my 2nd poster >>>

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Another poster?

The first poster I did was a stripped back version really, it was quite simple and although my next challenge was to create a fuller poster, the one I’ve done now i think is quite simle too, altough maybe its just that the picture doesn’t give much in sight into the film. This poster still isn’t comletely finished, i would like to work on it more however the process has been almost identical to the previous except that the image is not from the movie itself, but from actual photos i took which have been edited together and the image of the girl has had the opacity cahnged so she slides neatly into the sky. There are two versions, one has a slight blue tinge to it, i’m not sure which one i prefer >>>

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I’d been having some difficulty selecting an image for my poster because most of the shots I’d taken in the photo shoot seemed more suited as a magazine cover or just didn’t seem to have the right feel. I eventually ended up looking through the shots I’d filmed for the trailer in order to find some defining shot or something memorable or creepy, also this way it would link more to the traile; the image i chose was of the main girl looking at a reflection of herself, t’s quite creepy looking. The first thing I did was cut down the image and change the colour dramatically in order to make the tone fit with the trailer >>>

Once I was happy with tone and colour I began by adding in all the text and would then arange it once I had it all the page; I would need the title, the tagline, a ‘date’ of some kind and credits >>>

The title seemed to fit well just above the image fo the reflection especially with the effect of itself being reflected below it to create a link with the main image, it looked quite ghostly and creepy, i added another effect onto the main text, an emboss to make it look more a part of the image >>>

After this the rest of the text just seemed to fit into place, the tagline fit comfortably in just above the title and the credits and ‘coming soon’ rested nicely at the bottom with out seeming too insignificant. I kept the text  as white/light blue because it stood out against the dark background which made it easier to read >>>

I like this poster because it looks simple, however I think I need a more conventional looking poster as well so I am going to have a few different versions of poster, this being the first; this is how the final version of my first poster looks >>>

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I’ve pretty much finished the magazine cover now, everything seems to work although im still unsure about the red colour of the font on the left hand side of the frame because I don’t want it to be unreadable. The page should now look like a conventional magazine cover, it’s cluttered, has a main image and the text referring to the main feature is more prominent, it advertises other content but not as obviously and also contains barcode, price and date and most obviously the title of the magazine. For now I am finished which means I can start my poster however I will come back to the magazine cover if needs be >>>

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I’ve updated the font colour on my magazine so that it’s more readable, im still not too sure about it so i’ll have to experiment with more colours >>>

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I started with a few ideas for main images for the magazine cover two with a background and one an edited image >>>

These are okay, the third one is probably the best, especially as the girl is crying which adds to the authenticity but they don’t really seem like magazine covers.

I wanted something more atmospheric, something more like the trailer rather than a more obvious staged image so I picked this one >>>

All I had to do now was add on all the other information which I am doing in both photoshop and publisher – it’s not entirely finished yet as I haven’t added in the main text for the feature movie but I’ve added in all the other information to clutter up the page, although some of the font colour needs changing because the background is quite dark >>>

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The clips in this version are pretty much the same as the other version however the music is finally finished so i’ve added the newer music into this trailer. The difference is that the vocals have been put way in to the background, some of the riffs are slightly louder, some recording stops have been taken out, the drums build quieter and the wind at the end has been made a little louder, however that’s still difficult to hear >>>


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I’ve finally finished editing the timing of my trailer to fit the music (which means some the transitions and timings of clips are different to pan’s labyrinth which is what i wanted because i didnt want it to be an exact copy). Some the clips still need editing however and parts of the music need editing to but only volume and echo so it shouldnt effect the timing at all >>>


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My trailer so far

The deadline for our coursework is very soon so i really needed to start on the sound and music for my trailer because that was going to be a project in itself. I managed to complete my filming over the weekend and for the past two days have been editing like crazy. A lot of the clips still need editing done on them but, because last night I began recording the music, today I’ve been concentrating on fitting the film clips with the sound because there was no way i could record the sound perfectly in time with the video. Because I’m still in the process of the editing the timing there are some gaps which will be filled and clips will have probably moved about a bit in later videos >>>


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